Friday, March 2, 2012

time to kill

Spaces in between. Movements invadin thin air. Thinning thinner than squeezin skin. Beneath the sheets. Before the contact. Feelins bounce back n forth. Pullin closer than touch. Urgin the skin to react. Hoverin contentment. To be held so tightly. Grazin the fetish of fingertips. Slidin passin slightly over the resistment. Obedience at a standstill. Control is losin the battle of more. Fightin the willingness of want. Needin the fulfillment of the skill. Patience turning around. Changing face in the time consumed. Desire rips through the expressions. Silent as the hush of sound. Breath heated by nature. Easin into the gropin set aside. Softly fingers linger along. Ready for the main feature. So much time to kill. Spread for pleasure layin about. Clickin closer hearts beat together. Becoming one trust has hold of its will.

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