Thursday, September 9, 2010

loose ends

loose ends. depending on an others actions.
reactions 2 past and present translations.
imitations of mind over heart situations.
making all the difference in the irritations life forgets to mention.
rubbing it raw without the lotion.
brutal emotions changing direction.
fishing for expectations.
evaluations keeping it as real as this worlds rotation.
motions moving without restitution.
as lings choke on invisible pollution.
as if the multiplication doesn't add up to the division its missing.
looking for the resolution.
and flirtations rise from a deep suppression standing hand in hand with the disillusions.
knocking down the empty soothing imitating implosions.
losing control in the potion.
stirred with hocus pocus's intuition trying not to kill the feeling of satisfaction.
inflamating the numb areas so the infection settles more easily without a chance of correction.
as if penicillin went on vacation.
ends, fitting loose with bad connections.
sweating profusely, precipitation flows in form of perspiration.
love in and out of dead and alive fashion.
trying to read all the blurred out captions.
stuck on the illusions of fascinations.
as legions are broken and side are taken in form of misplaced penetration.
letting ones guard down with no protection.
left locked away with no chance of probation.
lost and screaming at the illusions of rekindling old motivations.
as sanitation forces the odds to an end, hurting a friend with selfish actions.

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