Sunday, August 29, 2021

Here I am...

There's no hate to be found n my trenches. I've search to the end of the edges. Turned around within n dug me up. I haven't a single grain of animosity put on hush. I'm free from the weight that doesn't control me. Loosened to the feel of life n living the dream. I move differently since I've changed. Once I figured out only I can disrupt my face. There's no drift that lingers within. Jus a patience that awaits beneath the skin. Chains have deteriorated in time's lag. N here I am with room in my heart putting down the white flag. Easy living has settled my nerves. Giving a peacefulness to emotions so the mind isn't overworked. I have me as I now can open up. Yet to find another at peace with self enjoying the rush. Knowing to give is to be complete before relations begins. Having no distractions so luv can live... 

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