Friday, July 11, 2014


I have a scar u could caress with a touch of luv to help it feel as if ur gentleness makes it feel it belongs.
Its depth has earned its placd as of what ::) ot to do if ur interested in how it now understands emotions song.
That is if u care to soften the texture awaitin a hand so easy the difference cant be felt beneath the luv.
As the wound has healed for u know who to stay in the presence of strength buildin a form of character of who it once was.
Theres a sealed slit in which drained what Wasn't needed n closed out what time has undergone thru luvs drug.
Ready n willin to express what never got lost along its wayas the redirection is aimed at u comin undone.. that is if u got I in u to feel the shape its shifted a new way to be seen by lessons eyes.
I gotta deep reconstruction formed that hasnt been truly witness as of yet in my playin out worth with life.

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