Sunday, May 8, 2011

the word if

what if 2day was the first of many.

if tomorrow was bigger than the turn of the century.

what would happen if one were 2 fade.

drift in time n jus get lost inna face.

what if time stood it's ground.

forced a path not yet found.

if yesterday was all one wanted.

as if the missin had no sound.

what if seconds dropped like memories.

forgotten n emptying.

where's the if that plays it's part.
when an end begins a fresh start.

what if all that was ever needed.

was beyond what we ever intended.

as if the absence left a hole to fill.

after livin in a space that was still.

what if everything was givin 2 one in time.

learnin of self n acceptin the find.

leavin all that's happened behind.

2 finally embrace what's considered mine.

what if the end is the freshest expression felt.

stealin the importance of how it feels 2 melt.

can one find in the word if the meanin of hope?

let it ride as moments float.

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