Saturday, May 14, 2011


feel whats going on inside-see if its what you seekin your mind-step out side the norm-re-enter and see if it confronts you-comforts you-if it makes you smile as i do as i do-showing teeth-feel teh man i am stuck within-bring him out and have your way-with a stoke the tickles the touch of skin connecting-find what makes a grown man quiver-then watch and se if you can believe their is at least on real man in the world- willing to just live-feel whats trying to escpae into your arms as it wants to lay peacefully-with the absence of games-feel the charm take over the expression on face-i a of only flesh and bone-in need of your luv-feel the beast luv from out of behind the stone this world has put it-feel thy hand as we walk side by side hand in hand back to back-fighting off this world together-here i stand opened up-do you have it in you to feel me? feel me!

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