Saturday, January 6, 2024

too evolve...

You aren't where you're from. You're who you are wherever you wind up. It's just unfortunate those before you haven't tried to give you a better way.  Born into the bs of mindsets with too much chatter that the clutter of the clatter smeared upon they're face expressed emptiness of their own cage. It's on you to become what sets you free from the restraints that have claimed your free will. And lost you may simply seem trying to find mental stability when silenty sitting still. In moments where making sense of strange situations as norms evolve from thoughts to ease the tension that claims self as sane. Changing the outcome from the entrapment others were never clever enough to escape. There's a beauty in the transformation to take place that alerts choice to level up. So in with self, so with self, self can fall in luv. To give a rare opportunity for life itself to be seen. All the while living outside the box that never repeats the same ol' dreams. To be is to escape the voices reminding self of who it is they want you to be because they could. Free isn't something others comprehend along the way of getting to what's good. Where we all start isn't where we're supposed to end. That type of mindset never focuses on life's beautiful lil tweaks that find that one friend. One that's buried in the deep within the hidden to move when even to body lays still. Life is to be rearranged to find the comfort of the thrill.

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