Sunday, January 2, 2022

The willing to live...

A need to live. A seek of what there is to give. Back to life. With the thrills day n night. Having actions in movements. Capturing every moment. Enjoying breaths taken. With nothing ever forsaken. N every possibility waiting. To decide a smile is self facing. Realizing it's not over until it the curtains close. Having worth. Knowing home is everywhere. Giving birds to what simply hasn't a care. Wanting to be. With the beauty of the comfort of a word like, me. As time spins for the chance to laugh a lil bit. Gaining through the years of touching lips. Finding friends. Going to the ends of the earth before laying down as energy has been doesn't. To do it all over again come mornings light. Deep into the late night vibes. Creating three memory in thoughts coming back around. Free from restraints is the use found...

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