Sunday, January 30, 2022

Do tell...

Do tell me why I can't believe you telling me you're so much fucking different. Speak as I remain silent so you can get through the confusion of indifference. I need not question what you say is the truth. Yet, I cannot take your word they sound similar to others wanting to be put to use. So choose your words with precise precision. N find me intrigued if you will in a moment of persuasion. Entice me with truths that live beyond words spoken. N neither of us will ever end up heartbroken. As the tongue slivers to alter sound. I'm listening so I can hear the message coming from your mouth. Do tell it the way you shall. Just don't mimic the crowd...

Coexisting with ease...

No sex. Just friends. Let's see how well we mingle first. Talk n put things on the table so intensions don't lurk. We can be as upfront as truths can show. Possibly finding a reason to move forward with words. To conversate on another level where friends exist. No touchy, no feely, just u n I biting our lip. Holding back what we feel we want each other to know. So a chameleon doesn't appear full of desperate hope. Hands off n emotion set aside. Just allow there to be a u n an I. Coexisting with ease. Without the urgencies of pleads. As is in true form as the individuals are noticed. Face to face n staying focused. Taking breaths that fill the mood. Undisturbed by what doesn't move with the room. As steady as sure can align with a use witnessed. Doesn't obtaining the cure of happiness...

No aches, no pains...

I fear hurting you if there's ever a need to defend myself. All due to how it's me on the flip side of not being felt. Fit luv is as selfish as his it makes self feel just that. Self, in a situation of attempting to luv another before the closing of the past. I'm not into the pain that's followed by the resentment soon to surface. To me the childishness is worthless. So, if it's friends we cannot be we shall not cuddle up. I'm scared of the aftermath that will occur with the cussing of luv. N I'm taking into consideration of your facial expressions that'll change trust. Draining it with an emptiness drowning the eyes. You're smile is with more than me protecting myself bcuz I havta. Bcuz if it ever gets to that point we were never anything more than luv'rs composed as a sad arietta. The ugliest side of us will destroy the feel of who were thought we were. N we both know nerves wouldn't settle until our own version is heard. N that's the dreaded final call. The day we stand face to face as away we fall. In opposing directions back into the crowd. Listening to whippers in the wind that sound so loud. Coerced I will stand for me. Even if it's your potency disturbing who it is I am to be. It's frightening to think I'd harm u in any way. So let's not interact n live for another day...

Chapters of the novel...

Luv is a phase n then it shakes attachments off. From their touch to their faces, strangers wanna get close just to turn around n get lost. Like never fits quite right looking for a certain type. N the hype runs its course as lips slip into thoughts roaming through in the mind. The heart luv's emotion so can feel alive. As periodic relationships claim territory of the body until the end divides. Wasting desires n time on someone left in the a prior moment. Craves change n passions get redirected into eyes of a strangers stare trying to hold it. Depths empty n comforts fill the core in many ways. In a stage under conditions where real didn't cause pain. But yet, the interaction runs it course. As it's always back to self wanting no more. Junctures of in n outta compatibilities is a realization of growth. Especially when it's safer to sit alone. Far from the rotation of luv'rs calling each other the same pet names. As in between episodes expressions settle into a calm stretched upon the face.

Day night day night...

Lonely by the night rotation trying to escape the fight. Alive n running by days giving mornings light. History in the makings no one ever knows. Home being the one place torn am n pm. Living through the mingling of empty dms. Alone in the hrs behind the shade. Expressions upon the face shape shift as time is paid. With silence becoming a long friend. Just to feel life from the sun touch the skins singe. Like a revolving door chasing the stillness moving within its realm. The ol topsy turvy of the teetering seesaw goes up n down. As the back in forth of daily moods transform with the now. From dark places to bright skies. Opposites of self linger within disciplined sighs. From the pits of solitude to the upright living. What's hidden from sight is true self wasting away in the act of not giving. Trapped in the illusion of hope nothing ever feels alive. But in the come around of the return of sun rays there's a difference in the hype...


Sidestepping verbal validations. Listening to words. Cheep n whatever comes to mind. Saying anything to give another worth. But rather is the matter to shut there fuck up. So truths rise to the occasion. In the s silence of the eyes that cannot lie. Maneuvering within with the feel of a new invasion. Lips motionlessness to expressions hushed. Awaiting actions to lead the way. Through the course of time use is in the patience taken. Giving a different type of comfort upon the face. Safe n confirmed with a friend to be made. Saved for the future to play out. Without a need to rush let's into a form of cheep thrills. To live in the moment of the flow. Getting to the in particular precise second knowing is fulfilled. Capturing the process. In a muted pause. Noticing the motivation that creates smiles. Changing the sand ol same for a better cause...

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The saddest part...

Behind the smile n the stare there's a loner white afraid. And to create laughter in an instant but yet sinks deep into chains. Bound to a safe place no one knows the fear of being touched. As being felt is a little too close to luv. A madness of spontaneous bits of who resides within can be seen. Although remove the mask n fragments become too much to breathe. The clown hides truths tuck away tight. Away from the beginnings of ends that lose the fight. As even friends are at a distance to calm a nerve. The solo act isn't all but a show as eyes lurk. One finger applied to the skin scares self back into its hole. Looking n craving yet, another joke. A better sense of a thrill that's willing to play. Diverting attention away from emotion to dilute the expression upon the face. Just to remain alone so the inner makings don't move. Sidestepping interests the chuckles live loose. Always ready for the next quick wtf. As chuckles get with the giggles to avoid anyone seeing the lack of trust. It's an art on display that speaks of the twisted contents that submitted to the silence. Admitting that depths are far too deep for relations inevitably turning verbally violent. For the never again was meant as a promise to self. As the entertainer was enhanced so others could grin from a little help. Beneath the surface there's someone that wants more but cannot escape. Due to the belief of use played the fool n lost at the unwanted games. The drifter of sorts that just wants to go home. Not knowing in which way to go. So, the shit show is what everyone gets. To protect self so no one hears the truth whispered from the lips...

Inches in..

2 inches in n her eyes opened up. I wasn't sure of what I witnessed but I could've sworn it was luv. Damn she was tight to the fit of it hurts. I felt her wrapped around the thickness of my girth. N I could only imagine how she felt when the next 3 inches reached for her heart. With slow strokes I watched her moan herself apart. Listening to my whispers of shh, just take it. As with a shove there was a forcing of the 6th n 7th inches in that went past where anyone has ever been. Deep inside her wet juiciness is how I found the snuggliest pussy I'm yet to come across. As she spoke in words that went, please, easy, you're too big. But I wasn't even fully in. N when I told her she pressed as put her hands on my chest. Trying to catch her breath before I inserted the rest. N as she loosened up the eight inch was strong n hard n full of give it me. With a submission in her escape. She came out to play. To enjoy the stretching goin bang bang bang. Oh damn is what her sighs sang. Moving along with the bed creaking n rocking with the motion of wetness flowing. But it wasn't until that final bit of what was left of me was buried in her depths that I heard her gasp to the knowing. In an admittance of she's never opened up in such a way. It was laying upon the orgasm coming outta her face. Wanting to be seen. Craving to feel me cum in the moment of my dick in the bottom of her needs. Fully submerged n climaxing we simultaneously let loose. As our bodies went limp like we couldn't move...

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Back to number one...

I found what I wanted but it wasn't what I thought it was. N it wasn't until I fell so fast in that I realized the truth of luv. Blinded by a smile of such beauty I was consumed. I found you but I wasn't what truly moved you. I was words expressed that never showed proof. As I lingered in life waiting on my heart to cut you loose. I found me n there's no you here as I've called a truce. Truth be told, it was a one way rendezvous. N it's made me more aware in the aftermath of there's is no us. But that in its own is a matter of it's me I havta luv... 

The key...

She gave him the key that opens everything to her world. Made him promise never to give it back, even if she lost her word. N he held it close to his heart for the keeping. Shameless n selfless as there just was no such thing as leaving.  Happy. That's the thrill of the connection they shared in smiles lit up. So far behind there lines there was no returning from luv. It was them until the end came to take one or the other away. As only one would be left to carry on with memories expressed upon their face. As the bitter sweet relations changed through the course of time. Periodically one or the other was the one holding on to hope to ease the mind. With years lived they'd became someone else. Damn near a stranger due to together they forgotten what it was that was once felt. Until the moment came to be to, go their sperate ways. Redefining the contents of emotion still lingering in depths empty space. It seemed they were good on their own for so long. Then she met someone new that transformed her into a different sound of song. He asked her for her hand to wed as she gasped trying to catch her breath. Ready for a life of whatever comes next. N as she stood at the alter staring into his eyes. That old feeling of belonging came back when her ex walked through the doors n said, "hi". Jaws dropped but he arrived to the occasion in peace. With a stretched out hand to break a promise by giving her the key. The symbol of simplicity that bound them forever as one. He was willing to wish her the best with tears falling from what's been hushed. From the purity of admittance that it would be them in a lifetime of no matter what. With a silent look she knew he had to give up. N with a turn he stepped back to allow her choice to move on. So she could fulfill the dreams he couldn't help her explore. But before he got to the door she called out his name. With a unique but familiar tone in her voice she said, "this is yours babe". Stopping him from disappearing outta sight. To hide away like a creature chasing the night. She remembered in that moment that it was them no one else could ever explain. He must've unlocked the right door along the way to keep her wanting everything worth the save. For she couldn't let him live without her by his side. Once upon a time ago, luv found a like. It was meant to last as it's still alive n heard. Her friend kept his word to put her first.

Changing degrees...

 Luv is one the temperature from good to bad. Willing to create a tomorrow that isn't forgotten in the past. At the heat is caused by the excitement reclassifying the heart. Intensifying moments that conflict with the beauty of charm. The sizzle melts cold emotions that revive the feel. Yet is but careful passion's flame will burn them to a singeing meal. As two can taste the flavor on intent. Or bitter into the flesh once the end is present. Fluctuating fahrenheits define time's expectancy to coexist. Continually warming the thrill for the feast. Taint the meetings of the inner beasts. Hungry n craving the touch of a luv'r. Playing with a friend said to be more than the day relations are over. Simmering going either way. Either coming back into focus after a fight or riding out the sauce to clean plate...

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Fit to fill...

I wonder how'd we'd fit. Physically, mentally, n emotionally. As the crave of desires meet facts kicking in. I think of how tight you'd be wrapped around the way you make me breathe. With a moan of your own to add to the mix. Stuffed full within the heart as there's no room within you left. Feeling every inch as I stand firm. As the pulsation reaches for your chest. I'm curious to know if we'd meet in the middle. Of life, ourselves, n with the universe surrounding only us. As touch isn't the only thing we crave. N hope has nothing to do with the makings of luv. Willing n able to not only say but to rescue again each other from all other pet names. The curiosity of the comfort of you laying on my chest. Hearts as close as they can be as we commit to invest. Flowing with the passion through every aspect in life. In sync with you on me resting to ease our minds. Thinking about us. In the calming of the rush. Slowly touching the naked flesh in be a caress felt deep within. I think about the moment we begin to live...

The crippling invasion...

Sharing pillows with the enemy. Crossing lines within dull energy. Lies camouflaged in stares. An unknown threat waiting to rip a tare. With twisted intensions that raise hope to the occasion. The heart not knowing of the crippling invasion. In it for self their truth is disguised. Hidden in plain sight. A foe in a moment of make due. Giving just enough to appear to be proof. Comfort wrapped in warmth of arms settling the nerves. Listening to all the little things spoken in words. Unaware there's a monster creeping through life. Holding hands felt just to pass time. Gathering smiles in thoughts that create a memory made to keep. Yet, to see a so called friend set thier own self free. Days become months that combined to make years. Sitting in the company of someone who will soon define the meaning of tears. The pretender moving in motion with emotions that sway. Lacking true devotion rarely displayed upon the face. Hearing whispers softly saying thy name. Waiting on their moment to escape. Blinded by another's stare drifting with sight. As it's another they silently seek lingering in life. Quietly ignoring the quality of who lays next to them in the present. Self will become a past thought of a distant presence. The process is long with a deceitful motive. N through it all self is the one that was never noticed...

Look into me...

Don't close your eyes. Witness a stranger n become that vibe. Look into me. Feel the nature of the beast. Be. Outside of all your lonely daydreams. As close as breaths can be felt. Upon they lips with the head on tilt. Take a look as kisses create a pulse. When finding a friend in a moment where times with the pause. Open up. Be seen as someone to trust. Going with the flow of passion held within. Move with my body as u grasp a grip. Touching with a sense of it's me you cannot resist. Letting self come out to make a reality outta that unfulfilled wish. Take a peek into my stare. Let's peel each other back layer by layer. Going deeper than comfort can dare. As skin finds joy in being flush. Once again before it's too late we can be the rush. The consumption of use wanting to play. I'm no one in which you havta be afraid. Focus on how I look at you. How you accept the man I am admitting a truce. I'm a whisper in between sighs clinging to desires. Light that fire. Watch how the night exposes my mind. Running off silhouettes created to be redefined. On display upon the wall walls opposite from the flame As our shadows become one n we regain the expressions upon our own face. Chuckling with a ripple reaching the shores of the heart. Lay your sights on me as I mean you no harm. Up close n personal is the thrill I seek. Aware that it's you that you've come to free. In the design of my corneas, come find me. N try not not to blink...

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Until we meet...

I don't want you to see me with anyone else. So I remain single waiting to be felt. For you to pass me by wouldn't be his for me. To be fun in your eyes with another in my life. I'd miss out on it as as I lose my mind. As there's just some things patience truly stands for. I guess I'll see you eventually when you're done taking score. Trying out smokes to see which one fits you the best. Knowing it isn't me face attached to the feeling so it's not the same when it's coming from the chest. All yourself if I was taken then how would you know it was me? The one you've admitting doesn't exist but I'm dreams. As even in there I can't chase anyone but you. But your not here nor there to be put to use. Maybe time just forgot about us. Or possibly, you're holding on to someone you think is your one n only. With a loner within that aches for more. Do you ever state off into the unknown n think something's wrong in your core? Bcuz I'm stagnant but sidestepping others that claim to be your silhouette. Looking like I'm broken but it's ok bcuz I know, with you I'll take my last breath. N it could be I've already encountered the likes of you. Idk due to I'm so far in my lane I can't see the wood. Caught behind the lines of myself without a friend. As it'll prolly be this way until the end. Even though I'm open minded to what you may look like. It's who you are that will cure my sight. From the blur I believe we're trapped within. Feeling our way around in others from time to time seeking to live. Falling short or fighting the urge to submit to a stranger having something to give. Or is it you are just that? N somehow I've dismissed the chance n placed you in my past. Idk but I havta keep on moving. Can't stop, won't stop, until we meet in the middle of the soothing. Thinking, damn it's nice ASF to finally have you around. But for now...

Two as one...

Opened without limits. Sexual desires fueled no matter the filth that resides tasted upon the lips. Convo free to explore whatever comes from the thought. Kinky or straight to the point as friends have a cause. Bonded by likes living life to the fullest. With edges trimmed are that of useless bullshit. Relations clicking on every level in accepted as the comfort of weird. I'm a unique way of loose that lives by an example without fear. Able to be as is n at peace within the walls of the mind. Getting at the true origins with another set out to gain a rare type of grind. Whether or he tired the fuck up or having a night out. Together on the outside of boundaries where honesty creates the passage of passion found. A little quirky n a whole lotta freakiness. Faking in to the feel of truth wrapped up in happiness. In luv with the smile that stretches upon the face. Listening to content as tongues twiddle names. Fuckin n touching for fingertips to play with the skin. As reality is like a dream come true today never wants to return from the trip. Having a use to empty the contents of the heart. N much more as submissions interact with charm. In a breathtaking kinda way that gives air to the inner obligation to be self. Feeling a hand hold firm the details felt. Met in the presence of come out n fuckin play. By night n by day. Depths cannot deny the facts of disturbed that for every so nice. Laughing with the twisted sense of wtf in the eyes. Staring down a match  facing back. In the middle on a norm with the key the gates. With the fine print on between each line that needs not read. Did the confirmation is in the linger of there is no next. Mates, luv'rs n a lifetime of whatever in the fuck happens just does. Seen, noticed n witnessed to me enjoyed up close n flush.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Inside out...

Your face can only say so much. Body will only uphold until age creeps up. So who is it you truly are? I'm life playing parts. Going back n forth in between character n being one. It's it you that you've fallen in luv? When vanity is claimed by the act of dying alive. When home is everywhere to find. Who's deeper than the image on display? Beneath the physical portrayal that is the betrayal needing to tamed. Has the inner makings awakened to the reality that differ from societies force of habit? Able to step back n become in depths of the beauty as you've nabbed it. Real has two versions here. What is it you truly feel? Aside from the shit show of sight. Can you understand this in the contents of your mind?

Realities eyes...

Guidelines keeping self from being seen. Living behind the restrictions of society forcing self to thy knees. To bow to a way of life. Forcing the same ol same buried into them mind. Orchestrated patterns mimicked to fit in. Knowing there's more in the depths within. As the show is a false sense of being real. Creating followers to repeat how to feel. Set in place is an illusion of what is free. Compressing breaths before the chest they leave. Don't be different is the point of no return. Losing who one is in a time where there's a lack of worth. Captured n imprisoned in every way. Vanity, finance, mindset, it's all a fuckin game. A useless thrill of acceptance bcuz people are taught not to be alone. Having a lingering from deep roam. Appearing to be just like everyone else. Catering to egos of fictional characters needing help. N to be on the outside looking in skeeters reality. As the individual takes notice in the in eventuality. Witness to one by one of those breaking away. Finding inner makings happier without fake smiles upon the face. Truly living in their own unique sense of comfort. In luv with the desire of wanting more...

The willing to live...

A need to live. A seek of what there is to give. Back to life. With the thrills day n night. Having actions in movements. Capturing every moment. Enjoying breaths taken. With nothing ever forsaken. N every possibility waiting. To decide a smile is self facing. Realizing it's not over until it the curtains close. Having worth. Knowing home is everywhere. Giving birds to what simply hasn't a care. Wanting to be. With the beauty of the comfort of a word like, me. As time spins for the chance to laugh a lil bit. Gaining through the years of touching lips. Finding friends. Going to the ends of the earth before laying down as energy has been doesn't. To do it all over again come mornings light. Deep into the late night vibes. Creating three memory in thoughts coming back around. Free from restraints is the use found...