Wednesday, December 19, 2012


When do u get use to ur present life?
When time under the belt n everything seems right.
When does the eyes set on the truth n the mind follows?
When its apperent the comfort of luv doesnt hide in the shadows.
When is it fair to adapt n rid self of what once was.
When the past has led u to the present in which is felt in a touch.
When is not bein use to things an excuse regarding the situation u live?
When all is well and in so many ways an other willinly gives.
When does that day come that two walk in their own memoeries?
When proof has been given at the sake of fates opened mending.
When is the understanding worth settlin the nerve of meaning well?
When happiness speaks loud enough to reach the hearts stealth.
When is the question asked needing an answer to complete the present leading the futures blur?
When is a symboled curve floating on a dot gonna be answered?

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