Thursday, July 28, 2022

The morning of…

Awakening to the last day of forever without knowing life is to change. With everything prior to the moment to become a memory buried in the mind unable to escape. As the tomorrow to be will have an absence of a face one tries not to remember. But on the day of the break hearts haven’t a clue they’re to separate to evolve into great pretenders. Losing a piece of self once the sun allows the night to return. Wanting to go back to the morning of to open eyes with luv still having worth. If only the foreshadowing could of avoided the agony of the pain that dug deep. Ripping out emotions for the inner makings to redirect goals and dreams. On the final cut the letting go drifts slow until the all but forgotten has faded away. In months that lead into years with a new same ol same. The rotation of the cycle fights the patience of the wait to feel alive. Leaving in the past a yesterday that couldn’t make it into a now that is to be left as a sigh. For the ease of the breath it takes to define the heart’s contents flows freely. Never to look back for there simply is no need in dreaming…


Anonymous said...

Same ole same ole equals comfort zones. Unhealthy cycles need to be broken in order to grow so we don’t limit ourselves to endless possibilities. Open minds can create an open heart. You are special, you just don’t know it yet.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely beautiful