At any given moment. SSH. Down you go. Grab ahold. Feel the warmth. Mmm. Yeah. Open up. I need to be brought to life with the creation you do with your mouth. Wow. With eyes rolling back. Sighs filling sound in between breaths. Relaxing my whole presence reaching for you. Palm to cheek. Vibe me a moan. The pulsation of the rumble bounces of the tip. Don’t be shy. We’re grown so do your thing. At any given moment imma wanna use you. Isn’t that what it’s about? Ooh weee! That tongue on the move. Flowing with a suction forcing me to speak out loud. Dirty with filthy thoughts. Suck. Yes. Pretty asf n on the loose. Knees pressed to the floor. Giving your best. Showing why you’re the truth. Making damn sure I want so much more. At any given moment the slurp is on point. Pushing the limits but easing off just before I pop. Just to slide down on me n work the kinks outta your joints. Toes bending as I get lost. As we coexist as you ride me off into the night. Breaking the boundaries of fighting you off. Nasty asf I like the freak within you that lives on the grind. Claiming every ooze followed by a well earned oh shit! With hands rotating with your hips. Leaning in you find my lips. N the heat from your breath whispers to me. At any given moment it’s ooh weee…
Well the was nice to read first thing in the morning đŸ˜€
It’s always fun waking up to the excitement
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