Thursday, November 5, 2020

camouflaged hearts...

There's questions that haven't produced any answers cut loose... Or just maybe i haven't been listening to words on the move... As some things one just cannot ask due to the chameleons that wait their turn... Maybe it's the whispers i can't seem to hear as they flirt... It could be i play to much n what i seek has passed me by... Or possibly my reality is just a lil different than that of another's life... Though I cannot speak on what it is i need... For it's in the ways of another that tell truths tale that doesn't fall off the tongues fling... Avoiding pretenders just wanting to get close to the feel of emotion instead of a real friend... Trust is valid to believe in someone's true form trying to sidestep a bitter end... Fake is not a face i wanna see close enough to get nose to nose... The conditions only arouse a false narrative that eventually explode... So to take self into consideration is a must with foes rushing to the scene... Chasing a visual misconception of who's within ones own that cannot be seen... There's those who just wanna please anyone at all costs as long as selfishness is aloud... N they're the reason my seclusion has lil belief in hearts tossed about... Luv in camouflage is the description that best describes the insanity... As relations always ends in harsh forms where outbursts are slung in profanities...

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