Friday, March 1, 2013

need droppn an e n rearrangin the end. or is it?

What does it mean to need?
Break down the purpose.
When does an e fall n shit gets rearranged?
Windin up in the end without worth.
Behind the letters peekin at actions.
Very close attention is taken.
U gotta be on point as an individual.
Moments waitin on truths to tell the souls naked.
Bared for the claimin of luv.
Yet when does need become neccesary?
Dedicated to that one tryin to live.
In the middle of an endless fairytale.
Wants r wants but to simply need is rare.
So how does one know for sure that intentions r pure?
Emotions blind the minds capability to judge.
Its the conversation that gives a cure.
Listen if u have a minute to dig in.
Usin the heads understandin of relations made to make it.
An other is not a possession held high.
Beggin on what should be a level playin fields fix.
Eyes to eye no matter what size pride is.
Bendin for the gift given freely to enjoy.
So what does need have to do with the concept of use?
Doin more than fillin an empty feelin void.
Connect with self n fit a puzzle locked together.
Show face imagini someone walkin away.
Feel that shit to its fullest as losin a real friend sinks in.
In that moment need will appear is the flow of stay.
Its not until the experience has happened that u'll ever know.
Climbin outta self at the lat minute to save ur everything.
Open ya eyes to the need u share in words breakin loose.
N findin y will give piece of mind in a lifetime happening.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

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